
I’m Oliver and this is my website. I work in the Visual Effects for Film and Television business. I’ve been an Executive Producer at Ingenuity Studios and Outpost VFX.

Interesting Links


DARPA, Skunk Works, & Bell Labs: Structured to Innovate
An attempt to summarize the common ethos and project management approach of The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, and AT&T’s Bell Labs. And to create some basic guidance teams and organizations might adopt to follow in these organizations’ footsteps.
Systems Engineering at NASA
This study attempts to summarize how NASA’s System Engineers operate in order to better understand how to manage complex technical projects.
Systems Engineering for Visual Effects
This paper describes Systems Engineering, as practiced by NASA, and explores the application of its principles and techniques to the operation of visual effects (VFX) studios. It discusses challenges in VFX projects, like complexity management and technical/artistic integration, and proposes that VFX studios could improve their engineering and operations by adopting the perspective and methods of Systems Engineering.

Misc Notes

Emacs Notes


Textplay is a simple command-line script that converts screenplays written in Fountain formatted plain-text to HTML, XML, and FDX (Final Draft).

VACME is a Vim colorscheme based on plan9 and the Acme editor that has proved (moderately) popular for some reason. I no longer use it so it is in read-only mode.